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Prior Art Search Strategy that Helped a Telecom Company Save Billions in Patent Infringement Lawsuit

Prior Art Search Strategy that Helped a Telecom Company Save Billions in Patent Infringement Lawsuit

Value Delivered

The prior-art search strategy provided substantial evidence that strengthened the telecom company’s legal defense. The key finding ultimately averted billions in potential patent infringement lawsuit and fortified the company’s position in court.

Problems Solved

Uncovering crucial prior art to challenge a patent related to reporting radio measurement results presented significant challenges. Initial searches using standard patent claim terms yielded no substantial findings. Even after examining over 1,000 patent hits from refined search queries, no relevant documents surfaced. Focus shifted to 3GPP Tdocs. Over 1,200 documents matched the criteria, but the top results were still not relevant.

The search then pivoted to 3GPP meeting reports from around the cut-off date, in hopes of a more insightful approach. However, the complexity and specificity of the required prior art made the search increasingly intricate.

Solution Offered

Concentrating on 3GPP RAN Workgroup 2 documents, influenced by the high frequency of discussions on “idle mode measurements” in non-patent citations of the contested patent, led to a breakthrough.

Exploring these targeted documents from near the cut-off date uncovered the critical prior-art reference.

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