

This privacy policy page covers how GreyB Services (“GreyB research Pvt. Ltd, “Us”, “we”, and “our”) collect, use, secure, retrieve, share, and dispose of (collectively “processes”) your personal data. Personal data is any information that could identify you or can be linked to you.

With this privacy page, we have tried to be as transparent as possible about our data collection and management process. Your right about your personal information is also covered in later sections.

This privacy notice applies to the information that we collect using our website, products, services, and offline business reach outs via emails, calls, and messages. These means will be collectively described as “services” from here on.

With “You”, we are addressing our clients, service users, sales prospects, or individuals whose data is included on our servers.

You can navigate to relevant parts of this privacy notice using this table of content:

Updates to this privacy notice

We update this policy notice from time to time in order to comply with your needs and make your experience better when using our services. We will notify to about the changes made to our privacy policies by communication means most appropriate to us and you, (email, or written notice or a blog post on our website)
We recommend you to keep checking this page every now and then to stay updated.

What personal information does GreyB collect and why?

We have broadly divided the data that we collect in 2 categories:

Information that you provide voluntarily

At different places and parts on our website, we may ask you to voluntarily provide personal information about you such as – We may ask you to provide your Name, Email, and Company Name when you request a PDF from our website.

We may also ask you your personal information through other types of form submissions on our website when you subscribe for marketing communications or register an account, or download ebooks, or if you reach out to us via any of the contact forms on our website. Collectively, all the information that you voluntarily provide us on our website.

Why we need all this information will be made clear at the point when we ask you to provide this information.

Information that we collect automatically

This information is automatically recorded every time you interact with our online services (website, or products). Here is a list of the type of information we collect automatically about you:

We collect this information to better understand how our visitors are interacting with our website. This information aid to our analytical efforts and help us improve the user experience while they visit us.

We may also use this information to provide you with relevant ads on other websites. We do this by providing your browser “cookies” and by using similar tracking technologies. (more about our cookies policy below)

What happens to the data that we collect?

Certain features and services of GreyB’s website require visitors to provide some information in order to work efficiently. Information like your Email address and the name are used to provide you important updates relevant to you via email.

Similarly, we may use your Name, Email address, and company name when you request an Ebook from any part of our website. This information helps our analytical efforts.

Users can refuse to provide their personal information at any time however, it may prevent them from accessing certain parts/services of our website i.e analysis reports, ebooks, monthly/weekly subscriptions, etc.

We may disclose your information to the following type of recipients:

Our legal basis for collecting personal information will depend on the information concerned and the context we collect that information in. However, we will only collect your personal information, with your consent, where we have a legitimate reason to do so i.e. to form a contract with you (newsletter, marketing communications, etc.). In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you.

We will never override your data protection interest or your fundamental rights and we don’t sell your information to anyone.

Anonymous statistics

Marketing communications

If you have requested to receive marketing communication from us (by signing up for weekly/monthly/bi-weekly newsletters, ebook download, analysis reports), we may, according to your preference, send you relevant marketing information via email/SMS/phone call, etc. This also includes any new service/product launch that we think may be relevant to you.

We believe in only providing information that is relevant to you. We will never misuse or spam you with irrelevant or rather useless information. You can always, at any time, unsubscribe from these marketing communications, either through the unsubscribe button that is present at the footer of every email that we send, or either by directly contacting us.

However, in some cases, when we have something important to communicate i.e. an update to our privacy policy, business terms, or anything that concerns you or our relationship with you, we may contact you regardless of your marketing email preference.


Securing your personal information is at the highest priority on our data retention practice. CRM and Analytical software that we use are trusted by thousands of other reputed organizations and only a few people from our organization have access to your personal information.

We also, from time to time, keep a check for vulnerabilities within our organization to prevent any data leakage or security compromises thereof.

You can reach out to us (see contact us page), at anytime related to any query that you may have related to security and retention of your personal data.

Data retention

We only keep your information as long as we need it and if we feel that there is no need for us to keep your data, we may dispose of it securely.

If a user wishes to be forgotten from our records, they can, at any time, contact us through the mediums listed at our contact us page and we will be happy to comply with their needs.


A “Cookie” is a small file containing some code that a website or a service keeps on your browser whenever you visit them. This file is used to identify you whenever you visit that website/service next time.

GreyB uses first-party and third-party cookies to save your time and preference on our website, for example, you may have personalized some pages on our website according to your needs (closing a pop-up is one example), or you may have submitted a form on our website. Whenever you return to these pages, we may already fill those forms for you by recognizing your browser. This will save you time and effort when interacting with different parts of our website.

Apart from individual preference, cookies help us determine your browsing pattern on GreyB.com and help us recognize parts of our website that are most popularly used. It will also help us determine other information like the geographical location of our user base, their referring websites, their IP address, browser, and device information, etc. for analytical purposes.

Our 3rd party partners may also use cookies for serving you relevant ads on other platforms and for improving your browsing experience (your preference for pop-ups, etc).

Some cookies are an integral part of our website and essential in order for it to work as intended. You can inquire more about our cookie policy by reaching out to us through the contact page.

Your data protection rights

You have the following data protection rights:

Contact us:

If anything written in this privacy policy seems confusing, less clear, or not aligned with the law, you can reach out to us at chakshu@greybnew.dev.zippisite.com, any type of question or query related to our privacy policies or this page are welcome. You can also reach out to us by other means such as phone call, post, or by directly visiting our business location address of which is provided on our Contact page. 

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