
Quantum Computing Market Research: The Future is Quantum

Quantum Computing Market Research

“Simulating the behavior of 100 billion neurons of the human brain is not feasible by classical computers but quantum machine learning promises to fulfill that requirement.” Quantum computing was initially proposed in the 1980s to get better computer modeling of the behavior of very tiny (quantum) physical systems. Different from the classic computing where bits […]

A List of 100 IoT Startups You Should Know About

100 IoT startups List

Almost every business across all industries, including, Manufacturing and industrial Automation, Robotics & Automation, and Healthcare Technology, is inducting the Internet of Things (IoT) in their work. The technology has created a lot of buzz in the past decade and continues to be on the rise. The tech world is readily working to fulfill its […]

100 Autonomous Vehicle Startups Worth Knowing


Before Covid-19, the autonomous vehicle industry was the new Silicon Valley-BLACK. Top VCs were pouring billions of dollars into AV Startups. According to McKinsey’s 2019 report on mobility investments: The investment in the tech players of the automotive domain has increased strongly and has outpaced the incumbents.  Even traditional automaker giants, who hardly prefer investing […]

TeraHertz – The Future of Wireless Communication

Terahertz wireless communication

The world of 6G will be one of abundance. By the time 6G matures in 2030, the way we communicate with each other could change drastically, incorporating everything from holograms to virtual reality. Future networks will include some notable applications like 3D calls, haptic communication, the ability to conduct surgeries remotely, unmanned mobility, the Nano […]

Qualcomm to Revolutionize C-V2X with the wave of 5G Technology

qualcomm c-v2x 5g research

With the growth of V2X technology, the much-awaited future of our transportation system is approaching sooner than anticipated. The V2X tech – valued at USD 689 Million in 2020 – is predicted to be worth USD12.9 Billion by 2028. If you were out keeping track of technologies that will grow big, I’d ask you to […]

The Untapped Market of Enzymes in Food Technology


According to a study, around 65% of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose. This means a majority of people cannot consume most dairy products. However, it’s also true that a major subset of this population would love to consume alternatives that taste like dairy, albeit without the consequences. This signifies there’s a […]

Companies Leading the Research in V2X Technology

V2X companies

This is the second part of our 3-part V2X series. But before we go ahead, let’s take a quick recap. In the first part, we talked about how V2X communication is going to change the world for good. We then saw how the V2X market is doing both in terms of C-V2X and WLAN-V2X and […]

Major Challenges and Alternative Sources of Natural Rubber in Tire Industry

Alternative Sources of Natural Rubber

As the world swiftly moves towards adopting autonomous and Electric vehicles, the tire industry – which is one of the most important components that drive these changes – is still dealing with some major challenges.   What are those challenges, you ask? Well, let me list them down for you.   The coming generation of autonomous vehicles […]

V2X Communication: The Next-Gen of Road Safety


On average, there are 6 million car accidents in the U.S. every year, with Massachusetts holding the top spot for the highest percentage of drivers with a prior at-fault accident. That’s roughly 16,438 people per day who never return home.  However, the rollout of 5G technology paved the way for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) connectivity. And with […]

Top 12 Startups Leading the Research in IoT Technology

Top 16 IoT Startups

This is the final part of our 4-part IoT Series. Previously, we talked about 5 Leading IoT Companies and their position on the IoT Value chain, looked at some of the major happenings in IoT in 2020, and discussed everything you should know about the IoT Market. In this part, we will discuss the promising […]

Acquire Standard Essential Patents in 5G to grow your portfolio

Acquire 5g standard essential patents

With the deployment of 5G networks speeding up across the world, 5G SEP declarations are also skyrocketing. All the SEP holders are aggressively declaring their 5G SEPs to ETSI to strengthen their position in the industry. Nokia, for instance, announced last year that they declared over 3000 5G families to ETSI (source). Samsung also claimed […]

IoT Market Research – Everything You Want to Know at One Place

IoT Market Research

In the early 2000s, companies with business models entwined with the internet saw their stock prices collapse. As a result, businesses and students started to believe that the computer industry was a mature business of decreasing opportunity. But Bill Gates thought otherwise – “If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, […]

Top 10 Startups Leading the Research in Edge Computing

top edge computing startups

This is the fourth and final part of our Edge Computing Market Research Series. In this article, we will discuss the top startups researching and working in edge computing technology. In the previous articles in the series, we had a complete overview of the Edge Computing Market Trends, the main challenges in edge computing and […]

5 Startups worth considering for M&A in Smart Glass domain

Smart Glass Startups

After Smartwatches, Smart Glasses are considered to be the next major development in wearables that will enter into our daily lives. Many startups and major tech players are trying to create smart glasses that will change how we see the world around us. In the upcoming era, it should not come as a surprise if […]

Edge Computing Challenges and their Solutions


This is the second article of our 4-part Edge Computing Market Research Series. In this article, we will talk about the major technical challenges of Edge computing and the solutions provided by the companies researching it.   The advancement of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing have pushed the horizon for a new paradigm […]

Edge Computing Market Research – A Look At The Trends

Edge computing market trends

“Organizations that have embarked on a digital business journey have realized that a more decentralized approach is required to address digital business infrastructure requirements. As the volume and velocity of data increases, so too does the inefficiency of streaming all this information to a cloud or data center for processing.” – Santhosh Rao, Senior Research […]