Could India be the Next Patent Hub for Chinese Companies?
With the rise of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in India and the growing interest of Chinese companies in this market, the question looms: “Could India be the next patent hub for Chinese companies?” To make this a reality, India’s IP landscape must be adjusted to accommodate global innovators, as several laws still require tweaking. In […]
Invest in AI/ML Technologies to Lead Next-Generation Wireless Networks
The integration of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the 802.11 Task Group for a comprehensive study marks a significant step towards advancing next-generation wireless networks. The study, focusing on the potential use cases of Artificial Intelligence in wireless networks, draws substantial inspiration from the progress made by 3GPP. This initiative highlights the […]
Stop Overpaying for Non-SEPs: Verify the Patents’ True Standard-Essential Status
With the rise in patent filings and the rapid development of industry standards like 3GPP, ITU-T, and IEEE, the number of Standard Essential Patent (SEP) declarations has surged. This increase means that not all the declared standard essential patents will be true SEPs. Buying or licensing such patents will cause significant financial and legal problems […]
The Only Tool You Need To Determine Potential Standard Essential Patents
Technical standards, evolving technologies, and scattered patent declarations complicate the process of determining standard essential patents (SEPs). This is further complicated by the need for manual searches across various databases, which are time-consuming and prone to errors and omissions. However, what if there was a solution that could simplify this process? GreyB’s 3GPP tool addresses […]
Quickly Identify Non-SEPs To Optimize Your SEP Licensing Strategy
Identifying Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) is a resource-intensive task, especially when dealing with a large patent portfolio. In this process, manual analysis is the preferred method, but examining patents that are unlikely to be SEPs can lead to inefficient portfolio management and limit strategic decision-making during SEP licensing. Therefore, to avoid investing valuable resources into […]
Become The Leading SEP Contributor To Wi-Fi 7 With Your Wi-Fi 6 Patents!
While Wi-Fi 6 has reshaped the connectivity landscape, the arrival of Wi-Fi 7 presents both a challenge and an opportunity for telecom players. Poised to power everything from immersive AR/VR experiences to ultra-high-definition video streams, Wi-Fi 7 is set to redefine the benchmarks of wireless networking. With the Wi-Fi Alliance’s anticipated unveiling of Wi-Fi CERTIFIED […]
A tool to identify standard essential patents in your portfolio.
The Traditional process to identify Standard Essential Patent (SEP) is time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially when dealing with large patent sets. While manual analysis cannot be overlooked, it often involves examining patents that are not even close to being a Standard Essential Patent (SEP). This leads to wasted resources and hindrances in competing in the dynamic […]
Philip’s Strategy To Declare One Patent as a Standard Essential Patent in Two Standards
Generally, patents are filed with a particular standard in mind. Take, for instance, a scenario where researchers filed a patent related to a concept in 5G technology. The typical route for obtaining returns from such a patent would involve declaring it essential to 5G within the 3GPP organization. But have you ever wondered what the […]
Find Standard Essential Patents in Your Portfolio with GreyB’s proven manual methods
Standard essential patents (SEPs) facilitate technical coordination through standard-setting organizations. However, there are instances where the status of a declared SEP being truly essential to the standard remains unclear. That is why when we published the 5G Report to determine True 5G SEPs in 2020, media outlets and community forums bombarded us with a recurring […]
How GreyB performs SEP essentiality checks in a cost-effective way?
With 5G into the picture, wireless communication has moved way beyond smartphones and telecoms. Today, the companies in sectors such as Healthcare, Automotive, Gaming, etc. are developing products/services compliant with the 5G standards. Thus leading to the importance of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). This gives the SEP holders (Companies with 5G SEPs) an upper hand. […]
Acquire Standard Essential Patents in 5G to grow your portfolio
With the deployment of 5G networks speeding up across the world, 5G SEP declarations are also skyrocketing. All the SEP holders are aggressively declaring their 5G SEPs to ETSI to strengthen their position in the industry. Nokia, for instance, announced last year that they declared over 3000 5G families to ETSI (source). Samsung also claimed […]
Who Owns Core 5G Patents? – Essentiality Check on 5G Declared Patents
This report is an update to the report titled “Exploration of 5G Standards and Preliminary Findings on Essentiality” published May 26, 2020. This report covers more than 700 technical specifications and technical reports related to 5G technology covered in the 3GPP Portal. The scope of the prior report covered 12,002 patent families, having 63,985 individual […]
What is holding you back from taming the SEP dragon?
SEPs are a honeypot for the companies that are aiming to gain supremacy over their competitors. The current status of the SEP world is painted in our other articles. Looking at the average share of SEPs in a company’s portfolio, however, is not very promising, as some companies are yet to participate in the SEP […]
The Schrodinger’s SEP – How to avoid hurdles in being accepted by patent pools?
The interest of the companies in having a fortified patent portfolio (SEPs) is growing at the rate of knots. The R&D-Sales and R&D-Marketing departments of various companies are making strides to hit the home run of having a strong portfolio. But, is it enough? We have constantly talked about the significance of SEP and the […]
Are All of your standard essential patents declared to ETSI?
Recently, we noticed that many companies, especially with big patent portfolios, may not be aware that some of the patents in their portfolio are getting delayed in being officially listed as Standard Essential. As standard-essential patents are worth a good amount of money, delaying or missing to declare these patents to ETSI might result in […]
Three scenarios when your standard essential patents are not valuable
The value of a patent is normally measured by the market/revenue of the products covered by the patent. Larger the market of the product, higher is the value of the patent covering it. But by this logic, each standard-essential patent should be worth a lot, as it covers all the products which are following that […]