
How We Found Prior Art For A Trade Secret Infringement Case Under ITC 337?

Trade Secret Infringement ITC 337

How difficult is it to find a solution to a problem you know nothing about? Difficult? Very difficult? Preposterous, you say? No, we are not being ludicrous. Though less often, there are instances when you’re looking for solutions to a problem you know little or nothing about. Despite multiple solutions that exist for every problem in existence, it […]

How we found Prior Art of a Composition Patent for IPR?

composition patent prior art

Not all prior art searches are run equally. Some are complex, some are easy, and some test your temperament by pushing you to the dark abyss of self-doubt where you question your abilities and skills. This is the stage that demarcates winners from runner-ups. The thin line of demarcation that separates a winning patent search […]

Novelty Search in Videos – My journey from having nothing to a relevant art

design patent novelty search

After a long and hard day at work, I like to come home to a steaming cup of coffee, with toasted marshmallows on top, chocolate chip cookies on the side and some entertainment source to get my mind off work. While some people prefer books and other television, I find watching videos very relaxing. It […]

How We Invalidated a Patent Related to Drones?

invalidate drone patents

Drones fascinate me. They are wonderful tools of entertainment and transportation and has so much potential, which, if fully explored can change the way mankind transports. Technology companies around the globe, are researching the solutions for the problems of the domain and it would only be a matter of time before drones are everywhere. TBH, I’m waiting […]

How We found Prior Art in Non Patent Literature of University Publication?

Prior Art in Non Patent Literature

I was leaning in my chair while watching those bees through the steam of my coffee. They were four in number, flying from one plant to another, from one flower to next, collecting the sugary nectar. When they were fully loaded, which was a task completed sort of thing for them, they flew back. The […]

Physical Search: Unconventional Way to find Prior Art

physical prior art search

Prior art can be found in a lot of places. Some conventional, others unimaginable yet a valid source of prior art – the unconventional one. As analysts, we are tuned to exhaust the conventional sources before probing into unconventional ways. But sometimes it is better to go unconventional in the very beginning, as it might […]

How Lateral Thinking Helped us in Invalidating a Standard Essential Patent on HDMI Technology?

Invalidating a standard essential patent

Invalidating patents is hard. Invalidating a standard-essential patent (SEPs) is even harder. SEPs claim technical solutions that are part of industry standards. Needless to say, they are much more valuable than regular patents. The technology behind these patents is developed by some of the best industry experts, mostly while working in an environment already filled […]

Invalidating Design Patent: How we found Prior Art in a Museum?

invalidate design patent

We find prior art in a lot of unconventional places. Sitcoms, Pop culture magazines, FCC ID databases, Internet archives – Well, almost every place where you would least think of finding prior art. Having have found the impossible from places unimaginable, we were a bit awed when we found prior art in a Museum. Albeit an […]

How did we find Prior Art in a Sitcom?

I’m a self-confessed fan of sitcoms and movies. A binge-watcher by nature, I often spend weekends endlessly staring at my laptop screen, with munchies on my side, so that I don’t have to hit pause for trivial reasons such as hunger pangs. I love watching sitcoms! How often it happens that binge-watching shows help you […]

Prior art search – 4 Cases where finding reference was next to impossible

prior art search services

Invalidation searches are not a cakewalk. That’s why a lot of time many prior art search service providers or your in-house team fail to return with a result you needed. Weak results or no results lead to weak arguments that hamper your chances to win litigation. Well, it turns out, you can find results if […]

How we use 3G and GSM concepts to invalidate 4G LTE Patents?

invalidate 4G LTE patents

Of late, we have been performing a lot of invalidation searches on patents of 4G LTE. And I noticed a weird pattern – call it insight if you would like to – that I didn’t discover earlier while working on patents of 4G. The technique that I used in this patent prior art search for […]