
Prior art search – 4 Cases where finding reference was next to impossible

prior art search services

Invalidation searches are not a cakewalk. That’s why a lot of time many prior art search service providers or your in-house team fail to return with a result you needed. Weak results or no results lead to weak arguments that hamper your chances to win litigation. Well, it turns out, you can find results if […]

How we use 3G and GSM concepts to invalidate 4G LTE Patents?

invalidate 4G LTE patents

Of late, we have been performing a lot of invalidation searches on patents of 4G LTE. And I noticed a weird pattern – call it insight if you would like to – that I didn’t discover earlier while working on patents of 4G. The technique that I used in this patent prior art search for […]

BlackBerry Vs. Nokia – Why we believe US8861433 can be invalidated?

I am very fond of Nokia and its products. Mostly because I feel they have greatly contributed to developing various 3GPP standards. So when I found out that Blackberry was suing Nokia (Source) and that too for a 3GPP related invention, I was intrigued. To quench my curiosity, I took a deep dive into the […]

The Cloud Communication Platform Giant Twilio’s Patent US8738051 Can Get Invalidated

Less than a month ago, Twilio Inc. filed a suit against Telesign Corporation for willful patent infringement. According to the complaint by Twilio, Telesign was a previous customer, and its co-founder and vice-president of product strategy Stacy Stubblefield had a private Twilio account. Twilio accused that Telesign’s engineers learned of the technology and API used by […]

Cantigny vs Intermatic – How Intermatic could win this patent fight?

cantigny vs intermatic

Do you know that nearly one-third of the patents involved in litigation were found to be invalid? Well, if you feel this number is high then you will find it difficult to accept our belief – We feel nearly 50% of the patents can be invalidated. We have been performing a lot of preliminary analysis […]

Smart Ways to Perform Patent Invalidity Searches for Mathematical Expressions

patent invalidity search for mathematical expressions

Have you ever had a case where you had to perform an invalidation search and you need a prior art for a claim at the heart of which has a mathematical expression? Needless to say, you wouldn’t like gambling your case on just any prior art. Are you wondering what could be sophisticated approaches here for […]

This One Publication Can Invalidate Most 3D Printing Patents

3d printing patent invalidation

Patent thickets, broad patents, and patents covering vague and combinatorial claims have exponentially increased in number over the past few decades. Cloaking under the name of patent strategy, companies often try to get a lockdown on a technology domain by filing patents in a manner that it gets difficult to circumvent such patents. One such example of […]

How Technology Timeline Can Help Find Hidden Prior Art

technology timeline prior art

With the passage of time, technological terms have evolved drastically. Earlier phones were called radiotelephones, later as mobile stations, and now we use user equipment. Did you also consider how advancements in technology’s timeline can help in searching for challenging prior art? Great! We also did and found that they helped. Further, using a technological […]

Attorneys, Are You Getting Quality Prior Art Search Services?

quality Prior art search services

Whenever one gets into a problem, the right thing to do is to identify and apply the best solution. However, one can’t decide if a solution is best unless it is compared with other available solutions. This is applicable across the industry where every client is dealing with a service provider and needs a benchmark […]

Why Image Analysis is Important in A Prior Art Search?

image analysis prior art search

In today’s consumer-centric world, satisfying a clients’ needs is the primary goal of any company. When it comes to prior art searches, there is only one thing that can satisfy a client: a relevant prior art. Thus, as a searcher, finding a relevant prior art is of utmost importance, and for that, we cannot limit […]

Invalidating Patents using Non Patent Literature – A Valuable Source of Prior Art

Every day, as we take a step at making our life more digital, we facilitate digitization of our knowledge. Hundreds of documents, on a regular basis, are getting scanned, listed, indexed and made searchable through various portals. The interesting fact is that this increasing and untapped potential of non-patent literature (NPL) as prior art is […]

Why You Need A Strong Prior Art Search?

Patent Prior Art Search

Are all prior art searches equal? No. Some only apply to the United States. Some will also include foreign patents. And others will include searching for non-patent literature. As the focus of the patent search expands, so does its costs. So, even if a competent search is conducted for prior art in the United States, […]

A Patent Prior Art Search is More Than Just Providing References!

Time and again, the prior art searches we conduct teach us new lessons. These lessons not only help us add new rules to our little black book of prior art searching but also point us to the true north. They teach us that possibilities are unlimited and we will eventually find what we are looking for. An […]