How we performed a feasibility study in Gaming industry to find Infringement
Results found. No results found – Searches, in my opinion, have more to it than the outcome. As a searcher, of course, there are strategies and tactics involved to get to the result (or the lack of it), but there’s much more to it. It also involves the to and fro with the client, picking […]
How We Designed a Series of Tests to Prove Patent Infringement Involving Text-to-Speech Products Made By Nuance and IBM
Around 2017, we heard from an inventor who’d grown dissatisfied with the IP research firm he’d been working with. He owned a patent dating to 2005 that had to do with the automated conversion of written text into audible speech. Specifically, the processes described in the patent would allow text-to-speech conversion that approximated the sound of […]
How we used Electrical Signal Analysis to Reverse Engineer the various processes happening inside a smartphone?
Recently, one of our client contacted us with a project which required a Reverse Engineering based infringement analysis of cutting edge tech. This article discusses how we went about the RE and helped monetize the patent portfolio. A few months ago, we were contacted by Bob*, VP of IP Monetization at a Fortune 500 organization. […]
Patent infringement on a Fleet of Hybrid Vehicles
A few years ago, as part of an ongoing relationship with a major U.S. defense contractor, we were asked to run a monetization analysis on a large patent portfolio, with an eye toward identifying patents likely to produce revenue. The contractor has a huge, active R&D department, and at the time, their portfolio contained somewhere […]
How we Performed Reverse engineering of an OLED Display to Confirm Infringement?
Did you know that an OLED is 200 times thinner than a strand of a human hair? The thickness of a strand of human hair is approximately 30 to 100 micrometers while that of an OLED is 100 to 500 nanometers. Pretty thin, eh? Well, the story I am about to share with you today […]
Smart Patent Monetization Strategies For Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises
Since September 2012 the USPTO has been invalidating a majority of the patents for which proceedings have been initiated under the inter parties review (“IPR”) process. Statistics on IPR proceedings have been available since its inception. The current numbers are far from comforting to patent owners. Given these statistics, is there still a way to […]
Getting a Claim chart? Beware of coincidental mapping!
Claim charts play a crucial role in litigation. The strength of mapping can become a deciding factor that could turn the balance of the game in favor of either party. However, it ought to be noted that claim charting is a manual process, which leaves the chances of human errors and resultantly, weak links. Some […]
What is a Claim chart and how can they be used in different scenarios?
I’m going to enforce my patent rights” said Joey to Ross. Joey and Ross, both inventors and long-time friends had met for drinks in a nearby pub. Recently, Joey had been struggling, mainly because a large company ADC Corp. started manufacturing a product which is quite similar to Xene, Joey’s bestselling patented product. Things were […]
How to make Money from Patents When Reverse Engineering doesn’t confirm Infringement?
Ever broke a phone by mistake? Feels bad, doesn’t it? Ever broke a phone knowingly. No. Well, we broke three of them. Three brand new, flagship smartphones. Why? Well, we were working on a Reverse Engineering project for a client who was interested in purchasing a particular patent if infringement is established. Reverse engineering the […]
Patent Licensing Strategy: How to identify Infringement for a Patent with Circuits?
Creating a patent licensing strategy for circuit patents can be a challenging task. There are rare chances of finding a detailed schematic of products in product literature. This makes identifying products infringing your patented circuitry expensive as well as time-consuming. But there is little to worry, as I’m about to walk you through a 3-step process […]
How we made the Plaintiff drop the Lawsuit against our Client?
Understanding the objective of the client goes a long way in customer satisfaction and retention. At GreyB, we are huge believers in fulfilling the objective of the client – rather than fulfilling just the objective of the project – and this attitude helped us a great deal in enriching the client’s experience and satisfying their […]
How to Identify Products that are Infringing your Patents?
The main drawback of the patent system is that it only gives a patent holder a right to exclude without any provision to help them detect patent infringement. It is left on a patent holder to find out the products that might be infringing on the claims of their patents. This leaves a patent holder […]
How to Defeat A Design Around, Prove Infringement, and Increase Value of a Patent
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a product was infringing on your patents? But you could do nothing as the product was designed around to avoid infringement? More often, we come across a situation where we identify a lot of potentially infringing products; however, these products have one or two features preventing […]
How We Used Reverse Engineering to Confirm Patent Infringement?
One of the major challenges faced by a patent licensing manager is to find and prove evidence of an infringement. Not so strong evidence of the use chart can become a standalone factor for the failure of a patent licensing program. Reverse engineering can help confirm patent infringement by mapping relevant claims to the result […]
Client Satisfaction – A Saying or An Experience
We work on a lot of IP commercialization projects. If you ask, what is our motto when we are working on such projects, we would say: “At GreyB, we are committed to help our clients monetize their IP.” It might sound absurd/offbeat right now, but once you read what we did, we will get your vote of […]