Apple was sued 181 times for patent infringement cases in the last 5 years. Why?
In recent years, Apple has found itself on the losing end of several patent infringement cases. In 2019, an ITC ruling in favor of Qualcomm could have blocked iPhone sales. It was a close call, but Apple dodged the bullet by agreeing to pay Qualcomm royalties for its wireless technology patents. In 2021, Medical companies […]
Power of Patent Infringement Analysis to get Higher Value for your IP-Assets
The Richardson Oliver Patent Market Report 2023 found that patents with documented evidence of use can command significantly higher prices. These premiums range from a staggering 32% to a whopping 108% compared to patents without such evidence. Such data highlights the importance of patent enforceability, which translates to stronger negotiating power during licensing or patent sales. This […]
Detecting AI Patent Infringement: No Product Will Stay Hidden
Unlike traditional inventions with clear descriptions, AI patents, especially those with complex neural networks, are difficult to understand. Additionally, the lack of detailed explanations in AI patents and the difficulty of finding truly relevant information makes it challenging to identify product overlap effectively. This necessitates the development of adaptive strategies for detecting AI patent infringement. […]
Patent Infringement using Source Code review and these 3 Strategies
Infringement analysis requires more than just being well-informed. While traditional methods may serve as a helpful starting point, they are often inadequate, given how time-sensitive patent infringement cases are. And as GreyB researchers, we leverage our extensive knowledge and innovative strategies to overcome unique obstacles as quickly as possible. In this article, we will share […]
2023 Guide on How to Sell a Patent at its Best Value – GreyB
As a seasoned innovator or senior patent counsel, you likely recognize that selling patents can be a swift avenue to generate income. However, it’s easy to fall into the tempting belief that merely obtaining a patent will automatically attract multimillion-dollar offers from eager buyers ready to bring your invention to market. Because reality rarely aligns […]
Impact of the Unitary Patent & Unified Patent Court? Key Steps to Consider
European Patent (EP) has been a common patent valid across 39 contracting member states (27 EU countries and 12 other European countries). However, the downside of it has been that the patentee must validate the EP patent within different contracting countries separately after its grant. In addition, once the EP patent is granted, the post-grant proceedings/procedures […]
Product Testing to prove the patent infringement by a leading dating app
Samuel (a Patent Attorney at a leading law firm in the USA) was exploring DatingArc (a famous dating app) as a potential infringer on one of his client’s patents. Despite his best efforts, he wasn’t been able to gather enough evidence to prove his case. That’s when he turned to GreyB’s infringement team. Initially, what […]
GreyB’s Claim Chart Construction – A Sure Shot to Winning Patent Infringement Cases
As an IP litigator, you know well how a claim chart can make or break the case for you. The effectiveness of a patent infringement search is nullified if the findings cannot be conveyed in the claim chart. The stakes are high, and you need to convince the judge or jury that your client’s patent […]
How we built a strong case to license a patent that had no infringement
“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” -Duke Ellington For my team, this case was a chance to brainstorm the best strategies to monetize patents when there is no infringement. How did we get here? What did we do next? And how did we win this one? Well, let’s back track […]
These 15 Claim Chart Mistakes Can Kill Your Chances to Win Litigation
This article is written by Andrew Schulman, Consulting Expert & Attorney at Law, and it appeared first on his LinkedIn profile. Claim charts (infringement contentions [ICs], invalidity contentions, etc.) are required in patent litigation under the Local Patent Rules (LPRs) adapted in most federal district courts. The rules require something that doesn’t just look like […]
Proven strategies of detailed infringement analysis for distinct cases
How do we identify infringing products? What is that one strategy that makes GreyB different? Chakshu, director at GreyB, wanted to prepare a list of all strategies we use to identify infringing products. To find the answer, he called the whole infringement team for a meeting. Puzzled, the team went over to the meeting room. […]
Companies turn down the offer to license or buy my patent. Why?
Ever wondered why you are not able to license or sell your patents despite them being of high value? Often, I come across licensing managers, IP heads and patent owners confused as to why they are not able to license or sell their quality patents? A refined question would be – how to financially get […]
How we helped a smart young partner of a law firm find patent infringement for his client
“Our group would like to proceed with the initial search outlined to identify companies who could be infringing U.S. Patent No. XXXX971”, emailed Chris – Partner in a proclaimed law firm and a new client of ours. Chris had recently realized that a patent drafted by him and assigned to one of his clients in […]
How did we Prove Patent Infringement when no Information was available?
After hearing the word patent infringement, the first thing that comes to most analysts’ minds is finding product literature and mapping it with the patent. What comes to our mind, on the other hand, is finding the technology and mapping it. This change in approach has helped us prove infringement which would not have been […]
The Secret For Maximizing Return On Investment While Monetizing Patents
Today was the most important day in Bob’s life. Bob holding a Mont Blanc in his hand was seconds away from signing a deal with XYZ Technologies. Bob is a patent owner who had spent 10 years of his life researching technology focusing on call forwarding and ring silencer techniques in mobile phones. After spending […]
How to perform a Patent Infringement analysis by yourself
Mark (Amused): How did you do it? There isn’t a single strategy that fits, I’ve been spiraling down and folding back with every other search partner. Aadesh (Me): Feels like an endlessly branching maze, doesn’t it? Mark, who is an IP Counsel was struggling with a patent infringement case and had faced disappointment with every […]