
Smart Patent Monetization Strategies For Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises

Patent Monetization Strategies for SMEs

Since September 2012 the USPTO has been invalidating a majority of the patents for which proceedings have been initiated under the inter parties review (“IPR”) process. Statistics on IPR proceedings have been available since its inception. The current numbers are far from comforting to patent owners. Given these statistics, is there still a way to […]

Patent Monetization Mistakes Most Businesses Are Collectively Making

In business, the cost is everything. As such, in drafting and prosecuting patents, the lowest-cost provider usually wins the business. While this approach may well result in obtaining patents at a lower cost, it does little to create real value from a patent portfolio unless that is your sole strategy – to collect many patents […]

Why 90% of Patents Are Valueless?

After several years as a commercial litigator, a few more years with a prominent IP (intellectual property) firm in Washington, D.C., I spent a fair amount of time as in-house patent counsel to a small licensing and IP monetization firm. In my position, I had the opportunity to review hundreds of patent portfolios that were […]