
Concept Hacking: A Methodology to Deliver Outstanding Results

Failure testing, Statistical control, Total quality management – There isn’t a dearth of approaches followed by Quality Assurance teams of organizations. No doubt, these approaches have proven their mettle as a fail-safe tool before delivering a solution or rendering a service to a client. But are they enough? Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. […]

Attorneys, Are You Getting Quality Prior Art Search Services?

quality Prior art search services

Whenever one gets into a problem, the right thing to do is to identify and apply the best solution. However, one can’t decide if a solution is best unless it is compared with other available solutions. This is applicable across the industry where every client is dealing with a service provider and needs a benchmark […]

Why Image Analysis is Important in A Prior Art Search?

image analysis prior art search

In today’s consumer-centric world, satisfying a clients’ needs is the primary goal of any company. When it comes to prior art searches, there is only one thing that can satisfy a client: a relevant prior art. Thus, as a searcher, finding a relevant prior art is of utmost importance, and for that, we cannot limit […]

Invalidating Patents using Non Patent Literature – A Valuable Source of Prior Art

Every day, as we take a step at making our life more digital, we facilitate digitization of our knowledge. Hundreds of documents, on a regular basis, are getting scanned, listed, indexed and made searchable through various portals. The interesting fact is that this increasing and untapped potential of non-patent literature (NPL) as prior art is […]

Why You Need A Strong Prior Art Search?

Patent Prior Art Search

Are all prior art searches equal? No. Some only apply to the United States. Some will also include foreign patents. And others will include searching for non-patent literature. As the focus of the patent search expands, so does its costs. So, even if a competent search is conducted for prior art in the United States, […]

A Patent Prior Art Search is More Than Just Providing References!

Time and again, the prior art searches we conduct teach us new lessons. These lessons not only help us add new rules to our little black book of prior art searching but also point us to the true north. They teach us that possibilities are unlimited and we will eventually find what we are looking for. An […]

Patent Invalidation Search – University Publications as a Source of Non-Patent Literature

patent invalidity search university publications

You may attest to the fact that a lot has already been written and discussed on the importance of searching in non-patent literature when performing a prior art search. However, not much (almost nothing) has been written that discusses the importance of searching university publications while conducting a patent invalidity search. Why are University Publications important […]

Do You Want to be Our Next Research Partner?

But there’s a catch. Patent research is not cost effective for many businesses and they prefer ignoring it.  As it doesn’t fit into their budget, they tend to go for low cost solutions. This leads to a weak IP strategy that hurts them in a long run. Here is a quick question for you: are […]

Patentability Searches: How we Repeatedly Find a Needle in a Haystack

Patentability search case study

I love patent search, not because I’ve expertise in the area or I find them easy to conduct, but because it helps me to make my contribution in making the patent world unambiguous. I get an opportunity to determine whether a patent deserves to get granted or not. And yes, I also get an opportunity […]

Patent Invalidation – Why to Consider Images in a Prior Art Search?

prior art in image

How do I find a hidden prior art? – Doesn’t this question bug everyone when we conduct an invalidation search? While some of us try new strategies to excavate one, others explore patent databases that have not yet been explored. To sum it up, we all rely on text to find a prior art. Isn’t it? We […]

Invalidating a Composition Patent? This is how we did.

invalidate composition patent

OBJECTIVE The patent under study was related to a cigarette filter having gas adsorbing material and certain specific composition requirements. Our objective was to invalidate the patent for Inter Partes Review. STORY In patents such as this, which have specific composition requirements, the task of finding prior-art for inter partes review search may become a little […]

Invalidation Search – How We Cracked The Toughest Case We Came Across?

We received a request from a client to invalidate a patent that is related to the concept of a random access procedure. More specifically, the patent was talking about a specific equation. Actually these days we are doing a hell lot of invalidation.  STORY In this case, we got an important lead during the start […]

How we Invalidated a Wireless Communication Patent using Standards?

Invalidating a Wireless Communication Patent

OBJECTIVE The patent that we received from the client was related to Wireless communication and covered the process for handling lower priority communication traffic. STORY This time, we thought to start the search in a regular way. We started with the development of a detailed understanding of the patent followed by a thorough analysis of file […]