
Why you should hire the Right People in your organization?

image of a team

We are opening up our little secret to success before you all today. I believe Helen Keller said it the best: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” You get the gist. We are all about teamwork.  Reminds me of another quote by Carnegie.  Allow me to quote it for […]

Search has no limits and this is how Rohit proved it

Last Friday, I got an email from our favorite Vikas (the guy who everyone keeps looking for). Over the email, he asked me to search for three documents. After seeing that email, I was like seriously? Do I have to find these documents? Okay! I thought — no problem! let me search this Monday morning, […]

What we learned from attending a random meeting in San Francisco?

An interesting thing happened when Deepak, Chakshu, Anmol, and I were in San Francisco in March this year. We were there for the Strata Conference, to collect the Edison Award that we had won for our tool Catalyst, and for a few client meetings. SF is a geeky place – big companies, engineers, entrepreneurs – […]

Working together: Have you unlocked the hidden potential of your team yet?

We have shared a lot of success stories (and failure stories too) in the past along with the strategies we used in projects, but rarely have we ever covered what goes behind the scenes. In this narrative piece, we cover what goes through the mind of a team lead, when working on a high stakes […]

How GreyB Uses the “Investigative Approach” to Navigate IP Research

Around the world, the system of patents that governs new ideas and technology can seem practically designed to mislead people, making them think that they can see the field clearly when in fact much of what’s visible is an illusion—truly vital information remains hidden. In an environment where incomplete information about tech and IP often causes […]

Women in IP: How are they leading in their own different ways

Women need to shift from thinking ‘I am not ready to do that’ to thinking ‘I want to do that and I’ll learn by doing it’- Sheryl Sandberg When anyone said: “You can’t because you are a woman”. Didn’t that provoke you to prove them wrong and be the change? Me, you, each one of […]

 A Note on Workplace Relationships

Do we really enjoy the company of our colleagues? – As soon as I finished reading this email (copied below) by Rajesh, I had but one question in mind, which has never left me ever since. If it did, I wouldn’t be typing this right now, almost three weeks after receiving that mail. To start […]

A story that we want to share with everyone..

“I don’t want to give a report with zero results to the client.” It was a beautiful, cold October morning. I was sitting at my desk sipping my latte when I received a mail in my inbox. It was the notification of a project we just landed from one of our client Nick, who consulted […]

Why We Cultivated a Culture of Evolutionary Thinking at GreyB?

Thinking like a historian can transform the way how research can be performed on patents. As a historian studies the history and tries to connect different events to understand the cause behind one large event, Evolution Thinking, similarly, provides a tool to the researcher to perform a similar connection between different events in the evolution […]

GreyB Marathon Musings – How running a Marathon imparted lessons for life?

Adrenaline rushing through the bloodstream. Quickened heart rate. Sweat dripping down the brow. A sharp pain shoots in the calves. The thought of giving up flashes across the brain. Legs slow down a bit. Suddenly, the will to complete, if not win, takes over. They had known this all their life- “Winners are not people […]

Let’s talk about Analytics

  I think if we talk about analytics it can be divided into 3 basic components: 1. What are the key insights? 2. Which insights are actionable? 3. How can I explain the actionable insights to others? If you miss any step, you are missing the whole analytics game and you’ll not get an ROI […]

This is The secret to a successful career (Hint: it’s not just intelligence)

It’s that time of the year again! (Read: Feedback) As another quarter of the year comes to a close, it’s time to reflect and learn from experiences – which might include those little victories, that huge milestone, or those miniscule blunders – and try and not repeat the same the following quarter. Of course, the […]

A glimpse of how we train and turn freshers into smart consultants inside GreyB

“Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers”. – Seth Godin. Tell me one thing – Would you buy the product you are selling to your customer if the positions get swapped? Let’s consider a scenario where you have to buy a house in Chandigarh and you go to a real estate consultant. […]

Problem Solving: How Reframing Problems Can Help Find Better Solutions?

Reframing Problems

Human brains have a tendency to react to problems in different ways. Whenever faced with one, our brain triggers either a Fright, Fight or Flight reaction, which means we either get immediately scared, try to fight it or try to run away as far as we can to escape facing the problem and the accompanied […]

Law of Averages: Why You Should Never Give up?

“I don’t think there exists a solution for the problem” Whether you’re a researcher, an analyst, an attorney, an engineer, or anyone that requires a lot of analytical thinking in their professional life, for that matter, at some point in time, you’d scream out loud, “I’m at my wits’ end. I don’t think there is […]