
How I became a better person through Workshops?

Workplace training has made a name for itself. But often, when we attend such training, it isn’t easy to realize how these workshops are helping us. It is very difficult to see an immediate change in us, especially if these sessions are on changing mindset or how to observe things around us. Does that mean […]

Unraveling the process of finding the right startups for your company

Being new to the team and GreyB’s work, I always wondered how we find the right startups for our clients to acquire. I always wondered how GreyB researchers could select one that fits the client’s requirements perfectly. It cannot be a Google search of companies. I have seen the final result but never knew what […]

GreyB’s Buddy program – A guiding light for the budding careers

This week a lot of cool and talented people joined our GreyB family straight outta college.  Remember what it was like, your transition from college to a job? The knot in the gut, the heart throbbing, and the brain exploding with a thousand questions. Wishing to see one familiar face you can rely on. Almost […]

What does having skills mean at GreyB?

While working on your CV or applying for a job you might have thought about highlighting the perfect skill sets. More often than not, you might have pursed your lips as a number of questions about the right skill clouded your mind. And while your answer to these questions might be pretty candid, are they […]

Learn, Improve and Stay Thoughtful

Learn, Improve, and Stay Thoughtful

The idea of learning from one another has been going on since the dawn of time. As humans, we evolved by learning from nature and each other. Our learning makes us who we are today, it builds our character and perspective towards the outer world. At GreyB we share our learnings through various mediums, email […]

What is the One piece of advice you would give to your younger self?


‘Oh! I wish I’d known this when I started my career, ‘  If only I could go back in time and change this thing about myself!’,  ‘The younger me has no clue what’s coming, I need to make a time machine, ASAP!’. How many times have these thoughts come across your mind? (okay maybe not […]

What is one thing we need to change in 2021?


Jim, a Patent attorney, with years of experience in litigation, asked during a handshake meeting with my team — “what do you suck at?”.  In a confident voice, I said, turnaround time. It is true.  In 2020 we asked our clients — “What should be the one thing you suggest we change at GreyB?” More […]

This International Women’s day, let’s celebrate the women in IP

They say, “there’s no limit to what a woman can achieve, no bounds to do what she wants to do”. We say, well whoever ‘they’ are, they are absolutely right.  And this is not true for just a day, or a week or a year, but for a lifetime. Women have conquered every other facet […]

All those who started their career in GreyB got this email!

As professionals, we are often unwary of how time passes. In the midst of projects, client communications, meeting goals and KPIs,  and chasing our zenith, we somewhere grow old. Years later, when we reflect back on those years passed, we often wish there were things we could tell our younger selves, which could have made […]

Am I smart? I could not answer a dumb question from a kid.

Here at GreyB, we love any and every form of content that makes us pause and ponder. In our busy schedules, such pieces of content – be it in the form of emails, articles, podcasts, videos – impel us to introspect and gently nudges us to change our approach in the right direction. I am […]

Why you should do things that make you uncomfortable?

The internet is full of quotes and anecdotes that push you to get out of your comfort zone and do that thing that you wanted to do (but lack motivation) and needs to be done. Sure, they give you that external push, but I feel it is really important that this motivation comes from within. […]

How we manage to keep our teams high performing?

The truth can hurt. But you can either run from it or learn from it! You guessed it right, we are talking about feedback. With the end of the quarter a fortnight ago and the quarterly feedback in progress, our managers – Shikhar, Rajesh, and Nikhil – presented their views on the 360 feedback system […]

Rohit shares with his team how keeping people informed can save the day

Keep people on the same page. I am pretty sure you have heard some version of this advice where someone, at some point, be it your manager or mentor, told you how important it is to keep the stakeholders on the same page. But how often do we listen to them? I mean, at some point, […]

These are the traits we look for in a GreyBian

Good news alert! Some time back, we celebrated the induction of the 2019 batch in our organization. We welcomed the new batch of trainees, who passed the training with flying colors into our teams and live projects. A milestone,  for both them and us. To announce this induction, Arindam, Group Manager of Operations sent an […]