
Shadowing a New Analyst’s approach to Patent Monetization

patent monetization approach

With every project comes a challenge, and with every challenge that we overcome a milestone is set. Most of you would relate to this – some when they push their limits at the gym, others when they come up with stronger and stronger arguments each time they appear in front of the court. For most […]

Patent infringement on a Fleet of Hybrid Vehicles

A few years ago, as part of an ongoing relationship with a major U.S. defense contractor, we were asked to run a monetization analysis on a large patent portfolio, with an eye toward identifying patents likely to produce revenue. The contractor has a huge, active R&D department, and at the time, their portfolio contained somewhere […]

The Case of winning an IPR at PTAB

patent litigation strategy

Old times were simple.  There was a plaintiff, who tried to sue a company, and then the company asked us to find some good prior art. We logged in to simple patent databases, many of which were free, entered few keyword-based search strings and poof! good results. Case settled. The client was happy, we were happy! […]

How Machine Learning and Chinese Craigslist Helped Invalidate a Decade-Old Patent

patent invalidation

In 2016, a major Chinese smartphone manufacturer came to us with a problem. The company was being sued by a competitor, also based in China, for patent infringement, and they would soon have to appear in court to defend themselves. The penalties for patent infringement can potentially be very painful—fines reaching into the millions of dollars, […]

How a Circuit We Designed Helped Solve a Prior Art Puzzle

In 2017, we were approached by an attorney representing a large manufacturer of digital and analog computer chips that we’ll call Chip and Dale Corp. The company had recently been contacted by another chip manufacturer. We’ll call them Chip Off the Ol’ Block LLC. Chip Off the Ol’ Block claimed that Chip and Dale were […]

3 Instances Where We Invalidated Patents Infringed Under ITC Section 337

invalidate patent itc section 337

Patent infringement has become a lot common in the past couple of decades. With increased interconnectivity among technologies and the existence of thousands of patents covering them, it has become difficult to innovate without having infringed on at least one patent. Infringement is common and so are lawsuits filed in district courts demanding royalties. What […]

How We Found Prior Art For A Trade Secret Infringement Case Under ITC 337?

Trade Secret Infringement ITC 337

How difficult is it to find a solution to a problem you know nothing about? Difficult? Very difficult? Preposterous, you say? No, we are not being ludicrous. Though less often, there are instances when you’re looking for solutions to a problem you know little or nothing about. Despite multiple solutions that exist for every problem in existence, it […]