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Invalidating an Oil and Gas patent, defending a Fortune 500 company against a lawsuit

Invalidating an Oil and Gas patent, defending a Fortune 500 company against a lawsuit

Value Delivered

The compelling evidence from decades-old research provided a solid foundation for an Inter Partes Review filing challenging the novelty and scope of the patent’s claims. This helped articulate a substantial case before the review board.

Problems Solved

The inherent complexity of oil and gas extraction processes, which depend on numerous sequential steps, posed a considerable challenge in identifying prior art. Potential sources, such as industrial training materials from operational plants and research journal case studies, were thoroughly examined.

Nevertheless, these resources did not provide the insightful references needed to contest the particular case at hand.

Solution Offered

Instead of solely relying on conventional search methods, which proved inadequate, an intensive analysis of the individual steps involved in the claimed extraction process was conducted. This analytical approach revealed striking similarities to a methodology established in the 1980s. 

Further examination of research focused on refining this classical method eventually led to the discovery of prior art that was highly pertinent to the case.

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Sr. Vice President
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