
Discover Curated High-Value Patents of Cisco

X-ray Report:

Discover Curated High-Value Patents

of Cisco Systems Inc.

Uncover Strategic Opportunities with CISCO's Patent Landscape Report

CISCO Systems, Inc. is a major contributor to innovation in the networking domain. With over 20.7k US patents and close to 15k US Families, Cisco has breakthroughs in critical areas like Next-Generation Wi-Fi, Cloud Networking, the Internet of Things, and Cyber Security.

Its vast patent portfolio serves as a strategic roadmap for the networking industry, influencing the direction of competitors, partners, and the overall technological landscape.

However, public databases only offer a glimpse of its patent data without revealing CISCO’s strategic moves. This lack of transparency can hinder informed decision-making for other players in the networking industry.

GreyB’s X-ray report bridges the information gap by scanning through CISCO’s complete patent portfolio and presenting the data in an actionable format, providing valuable insights such as,

  • Identifying High Licensing Potential Patents: This provides a cost-effective way to access valuable technology and leapfrog development hurdles in networking technologies.
  • Understanding the Landscape: Cisco’s patents offer a roadmap for the industry’s future. Analyzing their focus areas allows other players to adjust their strategies and avoid potential infringement issues.
  • Finding Potential Partners: Cisco-owned patents block patent applications from 1500+ companies mentioned in the report, creating an opportunity to find potential partners. The data presents a strategic partnership opportunity that benefits both parties by leveraging their intellectual property.

Download the report and save the legwork of deciphering CISCO’s raw patent data to identify valuable opportunities, mitigate risks, and navigate the complexities of the networking technology domain.

How does X-Ray report work?​

These reports provide you with a list of high-value, ready-to-be-acquired patents focused on your tech of interest. We prepare these reports by keeping 20+ factors in mind, some of which are – potential for licensing, previous litigation history, remaining patent life, the likeliness of being sold, etc.

Who are we?

GreyB is an innovation consulting firm which helps law firms, in-house IP and research teams, and business heads gain better clarity about their innovations, patent assets, and research challenges. They have an expertise in analyzing patent data, understanding market dynamics powering research, and delivering IP consultations based on insights.

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