
Long-term Projects are not sprints but marathons. Ft. Hritik Negi

Long-term Project not a “sprint” Ft. Hritik Negi

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Often, the only challenges discussed during long-term projects are the ones related to technical hurdles. However, the personal challenges of handling lengthy projects often take a backseat.

In an email that struck a chord with many, Hritik Negi, a Senior Research Analyst, shed light on the rollercoaster of project-related trials, including personal challenges. Eventually, he shared some quick-to-follow tips for navigating such challenges.

Sub: Sharing Anything and Everything

Senior Research Analyst, Infringement Team

Hey Everyone,

Let’s talk about something we all face but might not always discuss openly: the rollercoaster of challenges that come with our long-term projects – you know, these projects with names like patent mining, patent excavation, and patent acquisition.                                          

Sure, we talk about the technical hurdles during our projects, but what about the personal mountains we climb while working on these projects?

Imagine diving into a patent mining project with a thousand patents to review. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. And during these marathons, it’s totally normal to hit personal roadblocks:

Feeling a bit lost or overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the project.
Getting tired of analyzing one patent after another.
Some days just not feeling the same energy as others.
Wondering if everyone else is taking more breaks while you’re glued to your desk?
Feeling like the project is an unsolvable puzzle.
And there’s a bunch more…

I want to acknowledge these challenges because guess what? They are real. And we are all in this boat together. But hey, here are a few things that might make navigating these challenges a tad easier:

  • Break it Down: Break down the project into manageable chunks. Focus on one thing at a time without stressing about the other.
  • Realistic Goals: Set achievable daily or weekly targets. Tracking progress helps you steer the ship better.
  • Take Breathers: Taking regular breaks is crucial for maintaining sanity. Stepping back, even briefly, can recharge those mental batteries.
  • Team Up: Chat with your teammates, share experiences, and get some fresh perspectives. Two heads are better than one, right?
  • Find That Spark: Remind yourself of the project’s significance. Be present in client calls, even if you’re quiet. Absorb the energy and understand your work’s significance for the client.
  • Adapt to Difficult Situations: Not every day will be a smooth ride, and that’s alright. Being adaptable can dial down the stress.
  • Me-Time Matters: Your well-being comes first. Don’t forget to move, get enough sleep, and eat well. It’s cool to burn the midnight oil occasionally, but let’s keep it balanced, okay?

Remember, our projects thrive when we are at our best. If you need a hand or just someone to chat with, I am (in fact, every one of us is) all ears.                                                                                                  

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend!

Take care,

Hritik Negi

Going forward, as you tackle long-term projects, remember to deal with professional and personal challenges simultaneously. As Hritik advised, doing so can help you stay motivated, focused, and resilient while reducing stress and burnout, thereby improving the team’s overall performance.

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