
First Day At GreyB? – Here’s What To Expect. ft. Kapil Pandey

First Day At GreyB What to expect ft. Kapil Pandey

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Ah, the first day at the office – it’s like stepping into a whirlwind of emotions! The mix of excitement, those nervous butterflies, and the thrill of a brand new journey all bundled into one. Whether it’s your first job or a fresh start somewhere new, that feeling is just something else. The office is buzzing with possibilities as you take those first steps, figuring out where to go, how your mentor will be, and getting to know the folks who’ll be a part of your work life. 

It’s not just a new job; it’s like opening the door to a new chapter in your career story.

But hey, let’s hear it straight from Kapil! He’s the newbie at GreyB and has shared all about his ‘first day’ feels in an email…”

SUB: Sharing Anything and Everything

Kapil Pandey

Research Analyst

Hello people,

Hope you all are doing well. Should I start with my introduction first? (I can hear a yes from your side; I can read minds XD), so I am a new bee in the hive joining team Mile, and yes, this is my first mail to all of you guys.

So, I thought of sharing my first 2 days of experience in my team with you all. The day we newbies were provided with our mentor’s name, the search started as we didn’t know the full name of our mentors. We had the task of finding our mentors on our own, like a Treasure Hunt or, rather, I would say, a mentor hunt! I found my mentor on the desk just outside the training room.

Prajwal (My fellow newbie) and I met her as we both were her mentees. We had a light conversation where she was telling us about the work SEP. Honestly, Prajwal was asking much more mature questions, and then I suddenly asked, “Don’t you feel overwhelmed by studying so many patents, research papers, etc.?.” For a minute, there was an awkward silence, and then she replied, ‘Not at all.’ 

I forgot to mention her name; my mentor is Pragya Priyou. After this interaction, Prajwal said, ‘Who asks such a question on day 1?’ and laughed out hard (I can hear you giggling as well, XD).

So, let’s start with 1st day of training – On day one, I was very nervous as this was gonna be my first day at the desk, and seriously, we got a warm welcome from the seniors. Everyone came to my desk, greeted me, and welcomed me to the team MILE. This all broke the ice and made me comfortable. Then, we were provided with our modules on 5G, and mentors directed us to explore the topics freely. The first topic was about the 5G patents, SEP, and standardization of 5 G patents. These topics were so vast, and I was trying to understand every term in-depth, making notes of everything.

The first sip of evening tea was enough to realize how much time I had wasted on this one topic, and still, the topic was not finished. I was overwhelmed with the knowledge of the topic. In the evening, my mentor approached me and looked at my notes. She smiled and said, “This is not how you should be using your time. It’s not college anymore,” and explained how I have to go through the topics within the time frame. I understood that covering all topics with decent knowledge is required so that in the near future when any project requires depth knowledge, you can easily cover that topic in detail without taking much time. With this lesson, the day ended.

Day 2 – This day, I had a pretty clear knowledge of how to read the modules (thanks to my mentor 😊). When the task started, I started with the modules left from the previous day. I felt comfortable while completing the modules. After lunch, we had a session with the mentors where they took our doubts, and we reported all the problems we faced in the modules. Also, a new task was given by the mentors to us. The task was writing emails about the first two-day experience in the team Mile on Saturday (the one you are reading right now & thank you if you have come this far reading this ). 

We had a little birthday celebration for our teammates -Nikhil, Sayani & Pragya, and we decided on a trip to the rock garden, and a fantastic day ended.

Wait! You can come and meet me on the 4th floor (I would love to interact with you seniors 😊)


Kapil Pandey

So, do you remember your first day in office? Share your first-day experiences in the comments below, and let’s connect over those relatable “newbie” feelings!

And if you’re curious to dive deeper into the vibrant culture here at GreyB, we’ve got you covered! Check out these blogs on Life At GreyB.

Authored by: Annie Sharma, Editorial Team

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