
12 IP Newsletters to Subscribe this Holiday Season

IP Newsletters

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Changes in the global economic environment have influenced the development of business models where IP is a central element establishing value and potential growth. With IP playing such a crucial role, you’d want to stay updated about the ongoings in the domain. And while blogs are a good source of staying updated, getting those blog posts curated to your taste in your inboxes is a whole other deal. This is where newsletters enter the picture. 

With the internet at our disposal, we have got plenty of blogs and newsletters to follow. But neither we have the time nor are all the newsletters worth it.

The situation is unavoidable and hence it all boils down to only one question- How do you cut the clutter and locate the newsletters that could be of use to you?

Well, an extensive lot of research later, we bring to you our very own collection of IP newsletters from the top industry experts to follow, stay up-to-date and save yourself from the tedious task of hopping from one newsletter to another. 

Without further ado, let’s jump to the list of 12 IP Newsletters. 


WIPO is a place that is ignored the most. WIPO invests a lot in data analysis and custom reports. It’s the treasure chest of IP information from all around the world including patents, industrial designs, copyright, trademarks, etc. 

WIPO has many newsletters that pertain to various aspects of IP. On their page, you get the option to pick newsletters based on your interests. They cover various topics from “general”- features showing intellectual property, creativity, and innovation at work worldwide to information about new economics & statistics, publications and tools from WIPO, and more. The other topic “IP Services” notifies about Updates and revisions of PCT Applicant’s Guide, Madrid System and Hague System, and other similar topics. 

They also have topics under Law, policy and cooperation, and External Offices. 

All in all, if your interests fall anywhere ranging from copyright, patents, trademarks, industrial designs, economics, statistics & intellectual property data, dispute resolution, development cooperation, intellectual property education, or WIPO itself – WIPO is the one-stop-shop. And yes, I am talking global!

Their newsletter frequency varies from weekly to yearly (yes, yearly) depending on the sections you subscribe to.

Here’s a snapshot of their release of Global Innovation Index 2020, Economics & Statistics highlight; the GII 2020 is dedicated to the theme ‘Who Will Finance Innovation?’.

Withers and Rogers

If you are not looking to subscribe to a boatload of newsletters and want the creme de la creme, you’d definitely want to subscribe to Withers and Rogers newsletter.

Withers and Rogers are one of the UK’s top ten patent and trademark attorney firms. Established in 1884, they are one of the oldest law firms and have grown to become one of the largest intellectual property firms in Europe. With over 85 patent and trademark professionals, the team’s technical expertise spans all major technologies.

What’s interesting here is they publish half-yearly IP reviews and yearly IP law updates. Since the newsletters come only twice a year they are rich in information and there is a dedicated section pertaining to each area of IP. Hence a perfect fit for a short insightful read.

Here is a snapshot from their Summer 2020 publication, edited by Justin Wilson, Partner at Withers and Rogers. For the uninitiated, Justin Wilson was in the list of Legal 500 UK recommended lawyers, 2020 edition. 


Lexology conducts surveys on salaries, bonuses, hourly billing rates, and benefits for all levels of fee-earner and the full range of legal business services staff. The data is accompanied by an editorial analysis of subjects such as legal market conditions, compensation, law firm operations, recruitment, and billing realization. 

If you want to read selective articles from various law firms in the industry, Lexology is the perfect fit.  Lexology extracts articles from their original source and displays them on the Lexology site with a link to the source. They deliver international legal updates, analysis, and insights worldwide across 50 work areas in 25 languages. The articles are published in cooperation with the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), with whom they produce a daily newsfeed which goes to all ACC members.

You can search for articles by work area, jurisdiction, topic, or firm in order to find the most pertinent, timely content to share. By registering with the site you can sign up for a daily email update covering the jurisdictions and legal topics that are of interest to you.

Here is a snippet from their June 2020 newsletter —

China Unveils More Measures to Draw Foreign Investment

The State Council, China’s cabinet, on June 15 unveiled more foreign investor-friendly measures to further open up and promote high-quality economic development. The country will widen market access, and revise and release negative lists on market access for foreign investment before July 1, according to a notice posted on the government website. Financial-sector opening up will be further pushed. 

The mechanism regarding qualified overseas investors will be improved and foreign investors will be encouraged to participate in the trading of crude oil and iron ore futures as well as underwriting local government bonds. Foreign businesses will be encouraged to invest in central and western regions as well as sectors including agriculture, environmental protection, advanced manufacturing, and services. The interests of foreign investors will be better protected. The country will strengthen intellectual property right (IPR) protection, toughen the stance on counterfeiting and IPR infringements, and raise the ceiling of compensation for IPR infringement.”

Law 360

Law 360 believes that in the legal profession, information is the key. They have published over 1.5 million newsletters aimed at legal professionals, business leaders, and government officials. It offers up-to-the-minute coverage on litigation, legislation, regulation & enforcement, and deals that top attorneys and business leaders need to know about to stay ahead of the curve. 

The newsletter is published Monday through Friday, except for major holidays. Although their newsletter subscription is free, the news covered is limited and needs a paid subscription to continue reading the whole article. You can access the trial version for 7 days and opt for a full subscription later. Shortly after you fill out a subscription request form, a Law360 representative will contact you with the pricing information.

Here are a few snippets from their newsletter that will surely leave you wanting more –

Tangible IP

Tangible IP is involved with the global sales and acquisition of high-quality patents with over 3500 patents successfully brokered. They assist their clients – who are SMEs and inventors – in either selling or acquiring patent assets.

Tangible IP is also entitled to list the portfolios it brokers on the ubiquitous IAM Marketplace. The newsletters highlight Louis Carbonneau’s thoughts and ideas. Mr. Carbonneau is a recognized expert in intellectual property. He has close to 30 years of professional US, Canadian, and international experience in all facets of IP law and business. 

He was also nominated as one of the world’s leading IP Strategists by the prestigious British magazine Intellectual Assets Management (IAM) for 8 consecutive years. Not only that but he also sits on the Board of Directors for a few startups with disruptive technologies in the clean technology sector. For a man of his knowledge of IP and technology, you’d surely wanna read what he has to offer.

Here is a snapshot from their October newsletter – 

RPX Corp

RPX Corp is a popular name in the IP industry. I know them from the time they started. What fascinated me was how they used data to make their decisions like which patents to buy, which companies are being sued very often, tracking transactions in every industry, etc. The best part was when they also started offering access to this data to the outside world. They started with a newsletter and slowly as their data started growing they also introduced the option to buy yearly access to their data. 

They regularly update their analysis on patent litigation, transactions, and related costs on RPX Insight.

Their report on the latest patent market developments is published in their weekly newsletter

Here is a snapshot from their most recent weekly newsletter


CBInsights is a fairly popular name and you’ve most likely heard of them w.r.t. Market and technology trends updates. The company mines terabytes of data and knowledge contained in patents, venture capital financings, M&A transactions, market sizings, startup and investor websites, news sentiment, social media chatter, and more. Their software algorithmically analyzes this data to help the clients see where the world is going tomorrow, today.

Their idea is to aggregate and analyze massive amounts of data with the help of algorithms, data visualization, and machine learning. So that they can replace the “three Gs” (Google searches, gut instincts, and guys with MBAs). 

And since their data is backed by the National Science Foundation and venture capital investors you can trust their insights.

Here’s a snapshot from their most recent newsletter –

FOSS Patents

FOSS Patents is a pretty straightforward, cut-to-chase kind of blog that covers software patent news with a particular focus on wireless, mobile devices as well as select antitrust matters surrounding those devices.

Their newsletter is handled by Florian Mueller, who is an award-winning intellectual property activist. His 30 years of software industry expertise span different market segments (games, education, productivity, and infrastructure software), diverse business models, and technical and commercial areas of responsibility. In recent years, Florian advised a diversity of clients on the patent wars surrounding mobile devices, and on their economic and technical implications.

Let’s have a look into a few snippets from their newsletter –

Epic Games struggling to persuade the court of the likelihood of winning its case against Apple: preliminary injunction over Fortnite not too likely

The Epic Games v. Apple preliminary injunction hearing took place this morning (Pacific Time) before Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers in the Northern District of California. The first and longest part–during which the court discussed with counsel for both parties the likelihood of success on the merits–was particularly key. In fact, Cravath’s Katherine Forrest, one of two attorneys who argued for Epic, acknowledged that an injunction would not issue in this case unless the court agrees with Epic on its likelihood of prevailing on the merits.

Component-level SEP licensing gains ground as Avanci member and notorious patent troll Sisvel settles litigation with Switzerland’s u-blox

With respect to the component-level licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs), the Federal Trade Commission’s petition for a Ninth Circuit rehearing en banc of the Qualcomm case is not going to make a difference either way, given that the FTC’s theory is not an actual antitrust duty to deal but just an allegation of a violation that would (should the court agree) consist of a breach of contract. Any positive effects of the FTC’s continuing efforts would be of an indirect nature in terms of preserving the ability of antitrust law to combat SEP abuse.”

ROI Patents

ROI Patents which stands for Richardson Oliver Insights have the comprehensive patent market data and analytical experience needed to help patent buyers find the right patents at the right price and for the patent strategists to make data-driven decisions. 

Both Kent Richardson and Erik Oliver have helped customers navigate the patent market completing more than $90M in patent transactions. They have authored over 80 publications and presentations. In addition, they have been listed in the IAM Magazine as the top 300 IP strategists in the world for the past eight years running.

Their idea is to find a balance between business and IP. The insights provide patent market information directly to patent holders and patent buyers. Like Zillow did for the real estate market.

Their email issues are quarterly and patent market reports are published yearly. 

Now have a look at some snippets from their newsletters –

“A Patent’s Journey From IAM Market to Facebook v Blackberry

Five years since IAM Market was launched, analysis by Hannes Forssberg Malm and Erik Oliver of Richardson Oliver Insights shows that assets listed on the platform have been put to good use by those who acquire them. .

A Rapid Analysis of Intel’s Connected Devices Patent Portfolio

Late last year, Intel resurfaced the sale of a connected devices patent portfolio that was sidelined during the $1 billion sales of the majority of their smartphone modem assets to Apple (which included a pile of cellular wireless related patents). Intel has opened the sale to operating companies, defensive aggregators, and even NPEs (non-binding indications of interest are due from bidders at the end of this month).”


If you are a Business Head or a Senior Executive, this newsletter will be the right fit for you. IAM is one of the best IP business media who treat IP as a tool and business asset rather than simply a legal right.

IAM was launched in July 2003 to address the need for organizations to maximize their IP and examine the strategies to do it.

IAM publishes weekly emails and daily blogs where they provide popular articles and jurisdiction-based reports in the form of a summary. They also publish IAM Patent 1000 and IAM Strategy 300, an annual series featuring leading IP professionals and strategists. 

Overall IAM has a pretty big hold and influence over the IP domain.

Now let’s have a look at some of the snippets from its recent newsletter –

Unified Patents

Unified Patents is an international membership organization that aims to improve patent quality and deter unsubstantiated or invalid patent assertions.

Unified publishes monthly newsletters summarizing NPE activity against small businesses and technology companies. They also notify about Unified’s latest activities and solutions and provide free daily patent litigation alerts through email. 

Here are a few snippets from their newsletter –

Express Mobile patent challenged

On September 25, 2020, Unified Patents filed an ex parte reexamination proceeding against U.S. Patent 7,594,168, owned and asserted by Express Mobile, Inc., a well-known NPE. The ’168 patent generally relates to website building software. Express Mobile has asserted this patent over 90 times in district court against companies employing both proprietary website-building platforms and open-source platforms like WordPress and Magento. Its numerous complaints have included assertions against companies large and small, including eGrove Systems and Shopify.

Acacia patent determined to be likely invalid

On September 24, 2020, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) instituted a trial on all challenged claims in an IPR filed by Unified against U.S. Patent 8,948,684, owned and asserted by Targeted Radio LLC, an Acacia Research Corporation affiliate and well-known NPE. The ’684 patent is generally directed to the insertion of advertising or other content into an Internet radio stream based on the user’s location. This patent was asserted against Pandora Media but the case was terminated on July 8, 2020.”

GreyB Services

Well, how can we not talk about this one? So here it is.  🙂

GreyB’s patent strategy newsletter covers the thought process that can help you align your R&D and IP with your business goals. Our subscribers are divided into categories like in-house counsels, business heads, R&D, partners, litigators, and prosecutors.

Each category receives content that is specially curated based on their major goals and requirements. For example, GreyB recently added legal-tech for counsels. 

The subscribers also get a link to useful resources from other websites. At the start, the frequency is one email per week and will later increase depending on your interest.

Here’s a snippet from GreyB’s recent newsletter for patent counsels-

“Have you ever wondered that the simple task of monitoring patents should not end with a deliverable which is just a list of new patents? 

Isn’t it expected that if monitoring is done regularly, one can easily source additional intelligence, like trends, filling strategy, etc.?

As IP is gaining increased importance to the business strategy, the IP Desks within organizations are coming across business questions. Seeing this as a trend, we started working (almost 4 years back) with in-house groups like yourself and started shaping the ordinary task of patent monitoring to be an exercise that delivers more, like:

  • The strategic patent filing trends?
  • [IMP] How exactly the patent filings of competitors are changing from a strategy point of view?
  • A tab on the benchmarking when you see trends?

Give this thought piece a read and tell us, if you find it useful: “How A Patent Monitoring Report Can Help In Holistic Competitor Intelligence” and yes, don’t forget the DIY template at the bottom of the article.”

Liked what you read? Tell us more about you and get our insight-rich newsletters delivered to your inbox.

The type of data that these newsletters deliver may vary from a list of current events to an in-depth analysis or views. But after reading them, you are walking away a tad more knowledgeable. 

And if nothing else, they can definitely give you some interesting conversational points for your next meeting.

Want us to add another newsletter to this list? Hit the comment section and tell us all about your favorite newsletter and we’ll make sure it reaches our list.

Read Next: Want to buy or sell patents and not sure where to list them? Check out our curated marketplaces article listing 23 well-known patent marketplaces.

Authored by: Nidhi and Oorja Pandya, Market Intelligence.

About Authors: Nidhi and Oorja are avid analysts who take a keen interest in monitoring recent developments in technology and sharing those insights with the world. When they are not writing about technology and IP, you’d find them tweeting about the same on Linkedin and Twitter.

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