
Hackers tip – One tip to Enhance Readability on USPTO

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As Professionals in Patent industry, we spend most of our time reading patents on USPTO Patent Database.

Oh yes, there’s google patents too, which has hands down, made our life easier,  but sometimes for the sole love of USPTO,  we love to go back there and read patents. Nothing wrong with that.

But don’t you wish at times, in this era of customization, we could enhance the way how we read patents on USPTO? Something that can make patents more readable.

Better Fonts, Great Styling, Access to just enough information. You wished for it at some point in time, didn’t you?

We keep hacking with things at GreyB and this time it was USPTO’s turn.

Ready to change the way you read patents on USPTO database forever? Here We go.

How to Enhance Readability on USPTO Patent Database?

  • Create a Bookmark with the following content.

javascript:(function()%7Bvar css %3D document.createElement(“style”)%3Bcss.type %3D “text%2Fcss”%3Bcss.innerHTML %3D “%40import ‘https%3A%2F%2Ffonts.googleapis.com%2Fcss%3Ffamily%3DRoboto%3A300%2C400%2C500’%3Bbody %7B line-height%3A 1.5%3B padding%3A 1em 1em%3B color%3A %23555%3B margin%3A 0 auto%3B max-width%3A 50em%3B font-family%3A ‘Roboto’%2C ‘Helvetica’%2C ‘Arial’%2C sans-serif%3B color%3A %23566b78%3B%7Dth%2Cb%7B line-height%3A 1.5%3B font-weight%3A 300%3B%7Dtd%7Bline-height%3A 1.5%3B%7Dh2 %7B margin-top%3A 1em%3B padding-top%3A 1em%3B%7Dh1%2Ch2%2Cstrong %7B color%3A %23333%3B%7Da %7B color%3A %23e81c4f%3B%7D”%3Bdocument.body.appendChild(css)%7D)()


For the ones who aren’t sure how to create a bookmark or know how to do so and want me to repeat the same, stay with me for the next three steps. Others, meet you on Step five.

How to Add a Bookmark on Google Chrome

  • Hit Ctrl+ Shift+ O to open Bookmark Manager.
  • Click  Menu on the top Menu bar and Click on “Add New Bookmark.”
  • Name the bookmark USPTO or anything that you like. In the URL section, paste the code shared above. Click Save.
  • Now before we move to the next step, it is very important that the bookmark is visible. You can use Ctrl+ Shift+B to toggle visibility.

Done? Now let’s get this bookmark to work.

Note: The steps above can be replicated on different browsers to achieve the same effect. For additional assistance, one might visit the support pages of the respective browser to get help.

The Readability Hack at Work

Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what any traditional Search results of a query on USPTO patent database look like.

  • Once on the USPTO page, click on the bookmark.
  • Sit back and let the code work its charm.  Some milliseconds later, Tada!

Amazing, isn’t it?

Mission Improve USPTO Readability Accomplished.

Authored by: Anmol Saini, Technical Architect, Product Development. 



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