
Dynamic SIMS

  • Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry instruments capable of parts-per-billion sensitivity for depth profiling analysis.
  • Has high mass resolution capability, and often used for P doped samples in SI wafers (MR > 4000).
  • Depth profiling can be optimized for low energy ultra-shallow implants or for several micron deep layers



  • Dual source (O & Cs)
  • Sensitivity: ppm-ppb
  • Depth resolution < 1nm
  • Detect all elements with isotope information
  • Sputter energy: O 2+: 1-10kv, Cs+: 1-15kv
  • Best mass resolution > 25400


  • Depth profiling
  • Thin film composition: Ntrided gate oxide and SiGe
  • Contamination analysis and control in oxide/active/well


  • Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry is a versatile instrument capable of parts-per-million sensitivity or better with parallel detection for nearly all elements and molecules up to several thousand atomic mass units.
  • Mass resolved imaging provides mapping with lateral resolution better than 150nm.
  • Surface analysis sensitivity is comparable to TXRF, though it also provides lower mass range sensitivity and targeting of smaller areas.
  • Depth profiling with sputter ion guns can be optimized for low energy ultra-shallow implants or for several micron deep layers.


  • Mass range: 0-10,000 amu
  • High mass resolution: M/ΔM over 10000
  • Sensitivity: ppm-ppb
  • Detected element: H – U (Isotope)
  • Depth resolution: <1 nm
  • Lateral resolution: 0.1-1 µm
  • Sputter gun: O2+: 0.25-2kv, Cs+: 0.25-2kv
  • Analysis gun: Bi+, 25kv


  • Surface analysis of organic and inorganic materials
  • Elemental and molecular information about surface, thin layer, interfaces of material and surface contamination
  • Positive & negative ion mass spectra and 2-D ion mass spectral image information
  • 3-D ion image analysis
  • Depth profile analysis

XPS (X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy)

  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy is qualitative surface analysis technique that can characterize the surface chemistry of materials (chemical state and concentration).
  • X-rays are focused onto material, and then measure the emitted electrons intensity and energy from the top 1-10nm of the surface.
  • Quantified elemental depth profiling through layers can provide both layer and contamination intensities.


  • Beam size: 7.5-200 um
  • Lateral resolution: 10 µm
  • Depth resolution: 1.0 nm
  • Energy resolution: 0.48 eV
  • Detected element: Li – U
  • Sensitivity: 0.1-1.0 at%


  • Surface analysis of inorganic and organic materials, contamination, stains or residues
  • Quantification of surface elemental composition
  • Determination of chemical state/bonding information
  • Depth profiling for thin film/material composition
  • Film/material and oxide thickness measurement

FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)

  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) is commonly used to extract specific information about chemical bonding and molecular structures. It is particularly powerful tool for analyzing organic materials.
  • An infrared spectrum represents a fingerprint of a sample with absorption peaks that correspond to the frequencies of vibrations between the bonds of the atoms making up the material. Because each different material is a unique combination of atoms, no two compound produce the exact same Infrared spectrum.


  • Mid- to Far-IR: 5000-80 cm-1
  • Penetration depth: ~1-2 µm
  • Sample size: >25 µm
  • Full Commercial Spectra Library


  • Identification of all types of organic compounds(solid and liquid) and organic functional groups (chemical bonds)

AFM (Atomic Force Microscope)

  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) measures atomic surface topography, which is ideal for characterizing surface roughness at an angstrom scale.
  • Besides surface roughness, AFM can provide quantitative measurements of grain size, step height by 3D surface topographic imaging, and capacitance, phase, magnetic field by pitch imaging.


  • Vertical resolution ~0.1nm
  • Best lateral resolution ~7nm
  • Maximum scan area 80um x 80 um
  • Current range in C-AFM 10pA – 10uA
  • Force range in Nanoindentation 1-100uN


  • Surface topology mapping
  • Surface roughness measurement
  • Electrical current mapping by Conductive Module
  • Hardness and Modulus by Nanoindentation Module


  • Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a microstructural-crystallographic characterisation technique to study any crystalline or polycrystalline material. The technique involves understanding the structure, crystal orientation and phase of materials in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).


  • Attached to Helios 600i
  • Lateral resolution ~80nm
  • Angle resolution ~0.3°


  • Preferred orientation
  • Special grain boundary (twin boundary, large angle and small angle boundaries)
  • Grain size distribution

AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy)

  • Auger Electron Spectroscopy is a near surface (<5nm) instrument capable of quantifying many elements from a fraction of 1 atomic percent up to 100 percent. It also has better lateral resolution (<10nm) than TOF SIMS, and better surface sensitivity than EDX.
  • Elemental Auger mapping is very flexible, and it excels in identifying the composition of small defects and residues.
  • Quantified depth profiling through layers can provide both layer composition and interfacial contamination levels.


  • FEG tip (3-25kV), small sample stage
  • CMA detector (all elements except H & He)
  • Detection limit: 0.1 to 1.0 atomic %
  • SEM: 7nm@20kV; SAM: 10nm@20kV


  • Small size defects down to 20-30nm
  • Depth profiling to characterize the contamination
  • Element mapping of nano defects

Dual Beam FIB (Focused Ion Beam)

  • Focused Ion Beam (FIB) is a versatile analysis technique that can be used to expose hidden defects in a variety of substrates.
  • A common application is to prepare samples for TEM analysis using the lift-out technique.
  • Another application of FIB is in circuit editing. Electrical connections can be cut and re-routed within the FIB system.


  • Ga liguid metal ion source, Ga LMIS
  • Resolution 5nm at 30kV
  • Accelerating voltage 0.5 – 30kV
  • Beam current 1.5 pA – 20 nA
  • EDX system Oxford Instruments
  • EBSD system Oxford Instruments


  • Electro and Ion Beam Imaging
  • Micro and Nano Patterning
  • Site Specific Cross-sectioning
  • Site Specific Deposition
  • IC Circuit Editing
  • 3D Progressive Milling
  • 3D L-Shape Milling
  • TEM Sample Preparation

Ion Beam Milling


  • Argon Ion Beam: 100eV to 6.0 keV
  • Cut Width: 0.5 – 5 mm
  • Sample Size: 10 X 10 X 4 mm3
  • Minimum Sample Temperature: -150°C


  • Large Area Milling & Observation
  • Preparation for SEM/EBSD/CAFM
  • Delamination and porous cross section
  • Delayer

TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope)

  • Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) is a high resolution analysis technique that allows one to see detail on an atomic scale.
  • Samples are generally prepared until they are thin enough for electrons to penetrate through it to the detector.
  • Coupled with EDX or EELS, quantitative information can be obtained.
  • Another application of TEM is to make metrology measurements of crystalline, amorphous, layers, etc.


Electron source
  • Flexible high tension (20, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 kV and values in between)
  • Schottky field emitter with high maximum beam current (> 100 nA)
  • High probe current (0.5 nA or more in 1 nm probe)
  • TEM point resolution (0.24nm)
  • Information limit (0.14nm)
  • TEM magnification range 25X-1030kx
  • Maximum diffraction angle STEM HAADF resolution (0.19nm)
  • STEM magnification range Maximum tilt angle with double-tilt holder + 40°
  • EDS solid angle 0.13 srad
  • Sample size 10um*4um*100nm(thickness)


  • TEM Imaging and Measurement
  • HRTEM Imaging
  • EDS Elemental Mapping
  • Diffraction analysis and Phase Reconstruction
  • Planar View (PV) + Cross Section (XS) TEM
  • One Stop Solution

2D/3D X-ray (Industrial CT)


  • 0.5um recognition resolution
  • High power penetration


  • Non-destructive analysis through package
  • Wire Bonding integrity
  • Die attach delamination


Curve Trace


  • Reflection and Through scan mode
  • 230MHz high frequency transducer


  • Non-destructive analysis through package
  • Package delamination
  • Stack die delamination


  • 1pA to 100mA range
  • 100uV to 100V range


  • Electrical failure validation
  • I-V, C-V

Micro Probing



  • 5um prober
  • Integrate with test board


  • Electrical failure validation
  • Circuit Edit


  • RIE delayer
  • Mechanical delayer
  • Chemical delayer


  • Remove Passivation/Metal/Oxide
  • Metal short/open
  • TEM sample preparation

Chemical Etch



  • Acid etch
  • Bas etch
  • Solvent


  • Junction stain
  • Si dislocation defect
  • Epi contamination


  • InGaAs detector
  • Lens 0.8x, 2.5x, 5x, 20x, 50x, 100x
  • 12” wafer probe station
  • Probe card integration


  • ESD damage localization
  • p-n junction leakage
  • MOSFET short
  • Latch-up localization
  • Pressure resistance defect
  • Wafer backside analysis




  • Dual laser 1300nm and 1064nm
  • Lens 2.5x, 5x, 20x, 50x, 100x
  • 12” wafer probe station
  • Digital Lock In function
  • Probe card integration


  • Metal open short localization
  • ESD damage localization
  • p-n junction damage
  • Latch-up localization
  • Pressure resistance defect
  • Wafer backside analysis


  • InSb detector
  • Lens 0.8x, 4x, 8x, 15x
  • 12” wafer probe station
  • Probe card integration


  • Replacing Liquid Crystal
  • Special grain boundary (twin boundary, large
  • angle and small angle boundaries)
  • Grain size distribution